Monday, December 18, 2017

How To Write Thesis For University

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The purpose of this research is to investigate factors which deal with a contemporary issue of importance that of teaching vocabulary using pictures. Perhaps a little neglected in the past, vocabulary teaching is today a hot topic for many teachers; they have realized that without the cornerstone of a well function mental lexicon, no student can possibly engage in meaningful active communication. And active communication in English is what counts in today’s globalized world. As I will strive to demonstrate in this thesis, pictures represent an indispensable tool for vocabulary teaching, especially (but not by far only) when teaching children. My goal is to show how pictures can be employed in lessons as well as to reach conclusions on why they work and in what way exactly they help retaining the memorized words. In this chapter, first, it discusses the Background of Study of the research, The Effectiveness of Pictorial for EFL/ESL in Public School Grade seven to Grade nine, and then it presents the research objectives, Research questions and the last section of this chapter mentions the significant of the study.
1.1  Background of Study

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Since the beginning 20th century, it has shown the ever-growing popularity of the population speak English as the international language in the world. Universities, schools, and institutes have taught English. English Language is the most popular because there are lots of documents in English any subjects for teaching. People use English language for communication through business, science, tourist, politic, history of the world, computer science (internet searching, mail, and Facebook). the knowledge of English is absolutely crucial and highly desirable. The emergence of globalization and the economic and cultural influence of the United States as well as that of other English-speaking countries have brought English to the four corners of the world, especially to Cambodia, and have shaped a great deal of people’s perspectives on the importance of being able to communicate in English. Moreover, with the advent of computer technology, particularly the Internet and email as well as the majority of publications of newspapers, magazines, books and journals which are in English, English language is attracting considerable attention from people around the world. Not surprisingly, speaking which is one of the four macro skills in English language becomes an essential tool for communication across the globe. It has become more and more common for people from different countries to communicate with one another by using English regardless of whether it is a business or personal matter.
People know that English is the most important for job, communication, study and up grate knowledge, but the matter is schools, institutes, and universities both private and public need to understand the strategies how important  of teaching to English as a foreign language learners or English as a second language learners. Because of the lack of materials to teach the students, they learn little bit slowly. When teacher prepares the materials can help the both teacher understand full meaning. According to David Ausuble (1968, p. 189), Most of the time, successful learning is achieved through a process of teaching that leads to meaning reception learning. This occurs when new material is linking with pre-existing knowledge and concept, and is contrasted with rote learning. Picture is the big materials to teach the pupils get the meaning and remember from the teacher. Pictures are also carrying thousand meaning which motivate the pupils' interest with their learning. Motivation involves a constellation of beliefs, perceptions, values, interests, and actions that are all closely related. As a result, various approaches to motivation can focus on cognitive behaviors (such as monitoring and strategy use), non-cognitive aspects (such as perceptions, beliefs, and attitudes), or both. For example, Gottfried (1990) defines academic motivation as “enjoyment of school learning characterized by a mastery orientation; curiosity; persistence; task-endogamy; and the learning of challenging, difficult, and novel tasks” (p. 525). On the other hand, Turner (1995) considers motivation to be synonymous with cognitive engagement, which he defines as “voluntary uses of high-level self-regulated learning strategies, such as paying attention, connection, planning, and monitoring” (p. 413). To understand the development of thinking for English as a foreign language, or English as a second language this paper reach helps teachers to develop of preparing the lesson to teach much better than in the past. It motivates teachers to try to use as much as possible. Materials (pictures) give the whole meaning for teacher to guide the students. However, students also want to learn with the illustration pictures in the lesson, it helps them to catch the meaning because the pictures relate to the existing knowledge and environment that pupils.
1.2  General Statement of the Effectiveness of Pictorial for EFL/ESL in Public School Grade Seven to Grade Nine.
Learning English as a foreign language and English as a second language is one way to help the students get better understanding the meaning. Pictures can provide the many meaning to them and they use the picture to learn the vocabulary, phrases, and sentences. For practice the words and sentences pictures are role important to drill the different structures. They make the learners to interest in learning the second language. The pictures can help the slow learner to memory the vocabulary, and meaning. It is affected when using the pictures to describe the events. Learners can describe in different ways for the same pictures. According to Alison Mackey (2000, p. 66) other ways for picture description tasks, many picture description tasks are information gap tasks. Successful task completion usually depends on learners sharing information. In many such tasks important to ensure that if someone is describing a picture to another, the describer's picture cannot be seen. When this is the case, individuals usually two, although these tasks can also be carried out in smalls group are separated by some barrier. This barrier can made of cardboard or can even be a simple file folder. Whatever is used, the point is to ensure that none of the picture can be seen through the back. In some versions to describe the picture so that another person is given a picture with instructions to describe so that another person can draw it. One more way using pictures to tell the story at school, home and some places which the learner able to see them. It is the effective way that can impact the students' motivation to learn fast. Students understand a long by telling with pictures. (Jean Greenwood, 1988).
1.3  Research Objective

The purpose of this study aims to help the teachers able to the pictures in classroom when teacher the English as a foreign language and English as a second language. Using pictures to teach the EFL/ESL save more time and energy. It means some words without translate the meaning because it contain the meaning already.  One more, they keep class interesting while processing the lesson. Teachers is easy to manage class well while doing the lesson, the students do their own tasks. When instructors use the pictures to teach in their class, it is seem more effective. The students can remember the words, meaning and the ways to use the vocabulary. For the pupils as a EFL/ESL need the pictures to help them get the meaning of the words, phrases, sentences and stories. As you know picture carries thousand meaning, so is also base on the exist knowledge. They connect the meaning and with old experience and link to the new experience it store new information into the long term memory. Allan Paivio (1971, 1986; Clark & Paivio, 10091) suggests that information is stored in long term memory as either visual image. Through visual of images can help the pupils get better learning in a second language or the foreign language.  In public school in Cambodia, from grade seven to grade nine is the most important to use the pictures to present in class. They learn the first language they understand meaning, and how to say since they started speaking in the family, but when they learn a second or foreign language they need pictures to develop of thinking skills.
1.4  Research Questions
1. How does the effectiveness of pictorial present for EFL learner and ESL learner in classroom?
2. What are the reasons of using pictures in public school grade seven to grade nine?
3. In what ways can help teachers and students to apply these strategies public school and private school in Cambodia?
1.5 Significance of Study  
The present study should:
1. Understand the effectiveness of pictorial of learning English as a second language and English as a foreign language.
2. Encourage the both teacher and student to use pictures for learning new vocabulary, sentences, describing the events, and telling the stories.
3. Develop of thinking the meaning without translation from the first language and process into long term memory.
4.  Create the atmosphere interesting by motivation as habit both private school and public school.
1.6 Chapter Outlines
The whole research report is divided into five chapters. Chapter One has introduced the Background of Study, General Statement of the effectiveness of pictorial for EFL/ESL in public school grade seven to grade nine, the research objectives, the significance of the study, and then it is followed by the Chapter Outlines. Chapter Two literature review the effectiveness of pictures for EFL/ESL,
Chapter Three delineates the research design, with detailed descriptions on its setting, participants and methods of data collection and analysis, in which the research ethics are also discussed. Chapter Four presents the findings of this study based on the four proposed research questions. Chapter Five discusses the findings presented in Chapter Four, with reference to some of the literature review. This research report ends in Chapter Six, which includes pedagogic implications, the limitations, and the conclusion of this study.

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